Are you always admiring the quilting skills of others but too afraid to try it for yourself? I’ll show you how, the easy way! I’ll share my secrets to achieve success with Free Motion Quilting. We start right at the beginning and work our way up towards quilting freedom!
This class is ideal for beginners but will also benefit the more intermediate quilter and suitable for domestic, sit-down and long-arm standing machine quilters.
Standard copyright applies to all the content on this platform, website and class.
Hi, I use an avante longarm mainly prostitcher but would love to do free motion sections on my quilts too.
Cheers Linda
Hi Linda, you will absolutely be able to learn freemotion quilting on your Avante by following my class.
Hi I’ve purchased class yesterday, unfortunately it is not visible online ?
I purchased before having an account??
Can it be added?
Hi Linda, I can absolutely rectify it. I will email you shortly with instructions.
Goeie more Telene,
Ek het vanoggend geregistreer en betaal.
Ek kan nie wag om van jou te hoor nie.
Baie dankie
Hi Brenda! Jy kan bloot terug gaan na die blad waar jy geregistreer het, log in en dan sal jou klas wys as “enrolled”. Jy kan dan op die klas kliek en die video volg. Nie dat ek dink jy het hierdie klas nodig nie want jy kwilt reeds baie goed! xxx