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Rated 5 out of 5
Karon Ray (verified owner)–
Lady Jane’s Whole Cloth Mystery Quilt Along is a wonderful class to help all levels of free motion quilters to add to and improve their skills. This is not a learn to free motion class, thought there are many tips for newer quilters to advanced. I’ve been longarming for 15 years and this class helped me develop new skills and gave me tips that I had never heard before. It does take time to work through the different classes but practice the only way to improve free motion skills. Telene is generous with her additional information and very encouraging. My class quilt is nearing competition and thought good, I plan on making another to show off the skills I’ve learned.
Karon Ray (verified owner) –
Lady Jane’s Whole Cloth Mystery Quilt Along is a wonderful class to help all levels of free motion quilters to add to and improve their skills. This is not a learn to free motion class, thought there are many tips for newer quilters to advanced. I’ve been longarming for 15 years and this class helped me develop new skills and gave me tips that I had never heard before. It does take time to work through the different classes but practice the only way to improve free motion skills. Telene is generous with her additional information and very encouraging. My class quilt is nearing competition and thought good, I plan on making another to show off the skills I’ve learned.